
At Black Horse Hill Infant School we believe that PSHE is an implicit and integral part of the curriculum. All children need these essential skills in order to flourish and achieve, while at our school and in the future.

From the first day in school turn taking, sharing, how to be a good friend, resolving conflict, respect for others is modelled throughout the school day and in PSHE lessons.

At Black Horse Hill Infant School, PSHE puts our children on the path to becoming healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. As respectful, responsible citizens, children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community. Children have opportunities to learn about, discuss and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society as they widen their knowledge of their world locally, nationally and globally.





PSHE is implemented in a variety of ways throughout the school day and the school year. The children have weekly focused Jigsaw lessons (see overview below). The children attend whole school assemblies 3 times per week. Each new unit in Jigsaw is introduced to the whole school at an assembly, staff also use ‘Picture News’ resources during classroom time and during assemblies.

We take every opportunity to welcome visitors into school to talk to the children highlight the work of charities, current events, well-being and mindfulness.  E.g The NSPCC, Plastic Pollution, Thumbs up!

During the month of June we have a ‘Healthy Body Healthy Mind’ week. During the week the children take part in lots of different activities which develop understanding of being healthy on the inside as well as the outside. E.g. making healthy snacks, Sport’s Day, mindfulness activities, mental health and well-being activities.

Relationships, Sex and Health Education

Having consulted with parents and received feedback regarding our draft RSHE policy, this is now fully in place with Jigsaw used to deliver this programme.