What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium Funding is money which is allocated to schools based on the number of pupils who receive free school meals (FSM) or may be in the care of the Local Authority (Looked After Children). It is a national trend that FSM children or Looked After Children do not make as much progress or achieve as well as children who are not in receipt of free school meals. The Pupil Premium funding is there to support children who are eligible for free school meals or Looked After to achieve their potential and narrow the gap in attainment.
It is up to individual schools how the funding is used to support pupils who are eligible for FSM or who are classed as Looked After.
It is now a statutory requirement to publish online how the Pupil Premium has been spent. Please click on the link to see how the Pupil Funding has been used at Black Horse Hill Infant School.
If you have any further queries regarding our use of the Pupil Premium funding please contact the school on 0151-625-5238.
Mrs J Morris